The studies intended at developing national and original technological products and systems in accordance with the aims of Turkey’s development and strengthening its independence in all spheres are being carried on. The most important elements of these studies are the fact that all social layers are motivated in line with this purpose, and the education and the support of human resources who will develop advanced technology projects. One of the prerequisites for succeeding in this process that could be defined as “the National Technology Initiative” is to be able to make progress in the spheres of aerospace, regarded as the locomotive of high technology projects around the world.

TEKNOFEST Aerospace and Technology Festival is Turkey’s first and only aerospace and technology festival that is organized by the Turkish Technology Team Foundation (T3 Foundation) and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and supported by institutions that play a crucial role in Turkey’s technological development.

The most important element of the paradigm shift that is needed for Turkey to strengthen its competence and to have a voice in technological spheres is to raise society’s support to the national technological development process and to contribute to a qualified human resource that is educated in the related spheres. Every individual’s faith with the same ideal and excitement in our country’s capabilities, strength, and future, in accordance with the goals above-mentioned, provides a basis for “National Technology Initiative.” One of the prerequisites for achieving these goals is to be able to have a voice in spheres of aviation and space, regarded as the locomotive of high technology projects all around the world. With the fair event areas, airshows, seminars, and events, it was aimed to increase the interest of all segments of the society in the National Technology Initiative. It is also aimed to contribute to our country’s educated and qualified human resources, with these activities and the technology competitions that will be organized in 46 different categories this year.

The Festival is accessible for visitors of all ages and professions, and free. The visitors under the age of 13, whose participation is specifically welcomed, will be accepted with their parents or teachers.

Participation in the shows, activities and seminars organized within the scope of TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival is free of charge.

All procedures such as application to TEKNOFEST Technology Competitions or reports should be realized through the Kurumsal Yönetim Sistemi (KYS). Therefore, after your application is realized, it is important not to lose the information that will be sent to your e-mail address, such as username and password, and not to share it with anyone. Additionally, it is also important to follow deadlines that are given in all competitions’ technical specifications, to make progress in competition procedures. Moreover, we also believe that your participation in Q&A sessions and training programs regarding the competition procedures, which will be realized by Advisory and Evaluation Board members and Contest Execution Institution is important for your accumulation of knowledge.

In the team introduction file, it is expected to introduce your team in a simple, original, and clear manner. Team’s foundation year, aim, the competitions that it has participated in before, and received awards and achievements, as well as all the information about team members including the advisor’s (i.e. name, surname, school, faculty/class) and the division of labor within the team should be added in the presentation. It is recommended to vivify your presentation with visuals. The team introduction text should be a summary of the team introduction file. It must include the project name, and the name of the product in the project if any. As for the project introduction test, the envisaged processes in your project, the aims in the competition, and the methods that are planned to be used must be mentioned briefly.

They can apply by choosing the “other” option. They can also give feedback for their school or faculty to be added to Kurumsal Yönetim Sistemi, by sending an e-mail to the address in the contact section of our website.

Yes, they can apply with the actual educational status during the application period. The graduation after the applications doesn’t prevent participation in the competitions.

In some competitions, a competitor can belong to more than one team, while in some other competitions it is restricted. You can find the answer of this question in competition specifications.

They can apply to the different categories of the same competition as long as the technical requirements are met. The competition specifications should be read carefully.

Yes, they can but they have to apply separately for each competition on the Kurumsal Yönetim Sistemi.

Every competition that is held within the TEKNOFEST has its own specific requirements. There can be team members of different educational backgrounds in the same team unless otherwise is indicated in the specifications.

The main purpose of the application evaluation is to see if the team has the knowledge, skill, and infrastructure that are necessary for the requested tasks. However, every competition and every subcategory/level have different technical requirements and different task difficulties. Therefore, the criteria of each competition and each subcategory/level are different from one another.

First of all, it is crucial to give full and correct team contact information in order to maintain continuous communication between the team and the TEKNOFEST. After the application is done if you see the text “Your application has been approved” and if you receive an e-mail about approval of your application, your application would be successfully completed.

Advisors must send the consultancy and assignment letters specified in the relevant competition specifications (together with the permission document to be obtained from the institution if they represent an institution) with the project files within the report stage that is determined in the specifications. It is also expected that the advisors ensure the coordination regarding the parents’ permission of the members under the age of 18. During all competition procedures, the advisors will be considered as a part of the team. In addition, the advisor’s duty is to help students plan their own education and training, to guide them in academic, social, and cultural spheres, to contribute to the fertile environment for the student to develop their personality as a whole with their intellectual, social and emotional aspects. The advisor’s role in the team is to lead team members to find solutions to their problems, by ensuring academic support that will be needed in the project.

The answer to this question is different for each competition. It is not necessary to have an academic advisor in your team unless indicated otherwise in the competition specifications. However, it is recommended to participate in the competitions with an advisor, since it’s very important in gaining experience in the technological fields in parallel with the competition.

The purpose of the Q&A sessions is to ensure a fertile environment where the competitors can ask questions about the projects, the evaluation criteria, and the whole competition process to the Advisory and Evaluation Board members, where they can exchange ideas and strengthen their competencies in the related spheres.

The purpose of training camps that will be realized with Competition Execution Institution, Advisory and Evaluation Board members, and competitors is to help competitors socialize, to realize activities in order to enhance the competition’s quality by ensuring an environment enabling the projects to be developed.

The main purpose of the TEKNOFEST Technology Competitions that are carried out in line with the objectives of the National Technology Initiative is to contribute to our country’s educated and qualified human resources. In this regard, for the competitors to focus on their projects, to develop themselves, and to enhance their knowledge and experiences with the occasion of Technology Competitions, TEKNOFEST will cover the accommodation charges of finalists, and give financial equipment support to the teams who will pass the second report stage (PDR/CDR might vary in some competitions).

No. The application for competition and financial support application will be done in different periods, as separate applications. Teams’ support requests will be opened up on a different application screen during the first report stage. Making an application for financial support does not necessarily mean that the relevant support will be provided. The applications will be evaluated by the Advisory and Evaluation Board, and the support will be provided to eligible teams. TEKNOFEST Competitions Committee reserves the right to reject the support application. The bank account information will be requested from the teams whose evaluations are positive and the amounts will be deposited into their bank accounts.

No, it is not. After defining the support amounts and necessary equipment an upper limit will be set. The amounts will be deposited to the teams’ bank account after fixing the price with the condition of not exceed the upper limit, by evaluating teams’ request lists and reports.

TEKNOFEST procedures will be realized on the Kurumsal Yönetim Sistemi (KYS). In this regard, with the condition of conforming to the deadlines specified in the competition specifications, the reports must be uploaded on KYS, unless indicated otherwise in the competition specifications. It is crucial to read carefully the specifications of the applied competition to see required files and deadlines, alongside the detailed information.