Electric Vehicles Powered by Youth
While efforts are underway to increase local production of electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles and develop high-value-added products, intensive R&D studies on battery-powered vehicles continue in Türkiye and around the world. At the same time, the use of electric vehicles in daily life is becoming increasingly widespread. The International Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle Competition, which aims to showcase the most energy-efficient vehicles from design to technical features, is held in two categories: Electromobile (Battery Electric) and Hydromobile (Hydrogen-Powered). The competition is open to all university students studying in Türkiye and abroad.
At the end of the competition, the first-place winners in each category will be awarded 250,000 TRY, while the second-place winners will receive 200,000 TRY, and the third-place winners will be granted 150,000 TRY.
Inter-High School Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle Competition
Also organized by TÜBİTAK, the Inter-High School Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle Competition welcome students from high schools and equivalent institutions in Türkiye and abroad. This competition aims to raise awareness among high school students about alternative and clean energy sources, provide them with hands-on technical and teamwork experience, and support the development of electric vehicle technology in Türkiye by cultivating future talent in the field.
The competition also seeks to increase local production of electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles, encourage the development of high-value-added products, and enable participants to conduct research on alternative energy sources while keeping up with global advancements. In this category, the winning team will receive 200,000 TRY, while the Applications for the Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle Competition Continue until March 1st.
second-place team will be awarded 150,000 TRY, and the third-place team will be granted 120,000 TRY.