About the Competition

Within the scope of TEKNOFEST technology competitions, the Nuclear Energy Technologies Design Competition, which will be organized under the leadership of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Türkiye, aims to increase Türkiye's technological capacity in the field of nuclear energy and to encourage innovations in this field. This competition aims to promote the adoption of nuclear technologies by a wider audience in our country and to develop sustainable solutions for the energy needs of the future. The theme of the competition focuses on Small Modular Reactor (SMR) and Micro Modular Reactor (MMR) designs. Core values such as innovation, safety, efficiency and sustainability are at the forefront.
The Nuclear Energy Technologies Design Competition will be organized in two main categories: Base Category and Sub-Category. The Base Category is divided into two categories: 'Conceptual Design Category' and 'Detail Design Category'. The Sub-Categories consist of five sub-categories: 'Software Development', 'Reactor Core Design', 'Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management', 'Energy Cycle Design', 'Nuclear Instrumentation and Control System Design'.
The competition is open to undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and doctoral students, graduates, academics and industry professionals studying in Türkiye and abroad. There are 3 different types of teams in the competition: undergraduate teams consisting of undergraduate students, professional teams consisting of academics, industry employees or individuals from different universities and disciplines, and school teams representing universities.

Team Types:
Undergraduate Teams: Independent teams consisting entirely of undergraduate students and not representing a specific university or faculty. These teams will be limited to undergraduate competitors only. Undergraduate Teams can participate in all competitions under the main heading 'Basic Category> Conceptual Design' and Sub-Category.
School Teams: These are teams consisting of academics and students (undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, instructor) of the same university. A school team can only compete on behalf of the university they represent. School teams can only compete in the Detail Design category and are eligible for the infrastructure incentive award.
Professional Teams: These are teams composed of academics, industry professionals or individuals from different universities and disciplines. Professional teams can compete in Conceptual Design, Detail Design and Subcategories but cannot benefit from the infrastructure incentive award.

The Evaluation Stages of the Competition are as follows;
  • Preliminary Evaluation Report
  • Final Evaluation Report
  • Final Presentations
Templates for the reports that competitors should prepare will be announced on the TEKNOFEST website at a later date.

Competition Calender 2025

Explanation Date
Competition Application Deadline 15.03.2025
Project Preliminary Evaluation Report (PER) Deadline 03.04.2025 – 17:00
Announcement of PER Results and Teams Advancing to the Next Stage 30.04.2025
Project Final Evaluation Report (FER) Deadline 21.06.2025 – 17:00
Announcement of FER Results and Finalists July-August 2025
Deadline for Submission of Presentation Files August-September-October 2025
Competition Finals/Presentations August-September-October 2025
TEKNOFEST August-September-October 2025

    Nuclear Energy Technologies Design Competition 2024 Degrees

    Degree Team Name
    First 6-Çarpan
    Second B.E.A.M
    Third NÜKSAN
    Honorable Mention (Nuclear Instrumentation and Control System Design Category) ANKÜ-CAN
    Honorable Mention (Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Category) TurkCore
    Honorable Mention (Reactor Heart Design Category) SİNERGİ

Academic Encouragement Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 15.000.000 TL

Base Category - Detail Design Category Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 1.000.000 TL
Second 500.000 TL
Third 300.000 TL

Base Category - Conceptual Design Category - Undergraduate Team Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 200.000 TL

Base Category - Conceptual Design Category - Professional Team Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 400.000 TL
Second 300.000 TL
Third 200.000 TL

Software Development Subcategory Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 350.000 TL

Nuclear Instrumentation and Control System Design Subcategory Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 350.000 TL

Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Subcategory Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 350.000 TL

Reactor Core Design Subcategory Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 350.000 TL

Energy Cycle Design Subcategory Award

Degree Reward Amount
First 350.000 TL

Nuclear Energy Technologies Competition Specification

Excluding the informations provided in the specifications, you need to join the e-mail group through the link below for other questions regarding to the competition. The questions you ask and the answers you receive will be visible to the other members of the e-mail group.


By organizing technical tours, it is provided to on-site inspection of working on leading technological firms of Turkey.

TEKNOFEST, which hosts hundreds of companies on technical trips, provides the opportunity to get to know experts in every field.

On technical trips, the opportunity to meet expert engineers about business and professional life is provided.

On technical trips, people who have worked in technology companies have the opportunity to listen to their experiences and increase motivation.


In order to support the projects of thousands of young people, material support is provided to the teams that pass the stages determined for the competitions.

Finalist teams are provided with transportation/accommodation support for TEKNOFEST competitions.

Prizes await the teams that compete in TEKNOFEST and qualify for the ranking.


Training programs will be organized for the finalist teams with the participation of the executive institution and advisory board members.

Teams with the participation of the executive and advisory board members Meetings where projects, evaluation criteria and processes can direct questions to the advisory board will be planned.


Internship opportunities in Turkey's technology institutions will be provided.

Turkey under the Technology Team, conducted by the Foundation for the National Team Program Support Technology Teams are provided with incentives through orientation and support programs for international competitions.