Cakrawala Skala Dirgantara (CAKSA) was formed in July 2022. CAKSA focuses on aeronautics research. Consists of Mechanical, Electrical, Software, and Vision. For the non technical team such as Branding, Sponsorship, and Administration. This research team is supervised by Mr. Hendhi Hermawan, S.ST., M.Tr.T. who specializes in Electrical Engineering and . Ade Yogi Mahendra, a Mechatronics Engineering student, is a leader who is capable in Team Management, electrical wiring, and control system. Philips Ade Putera Atmojo and Muhammad Asroril Mubarok, a Power Plant Engineering student, both of them have UAV calculations design, simulation design, manufacturing and fabrication process specialist skills. Marcell Nandana Nugroho, a Computer Engineering student with expertise in image processing, feature and contour detection. Next member is Burhanuddin Ahmad Habibi, a Multimedia Broadcasting Technology student expertised in designer and videographer. Then, there are Alifia Azzahra, an Electrical Engineering student and Putri Gita Artha Adjani Syindy, a Mechatronics Engineering student, both have experience in proposal writing, and sponsorship submission.