All middle school, high school, university and above-certified students (bachelor's degree, associate's degree, master's degree, doctorate) studying in Türkiye and abroad can participate in the competition. Open education student applications are not accepted in all categories.
Evaluation Stages:
Updates regarding the reports that the competitors must prepare will be announced on the TEKNOFEST website in the future.
Explanation | Date |
Competition Application Deadline (This date is only valid for teams applying from abroad.) | 15.03.2025 |
PER Deadline | 17.03.2025 - 17.00 |
Announcement of PER Results | 04.04.2025 |
PDR Deadline | 16.05.2025 |
Announcement of PDR Results and Teams Qualified for Financial Support | 13.06.2025 |
Project Promotion Video Deadline | 18.07.2025 |
Announcement of Finalist Teams | 28.07.2025 |
Competition Finals | August 2025 |
TEKNOFEST | September 2025 |
Degree | Team Name | |
1. (Primary School-Middle School Level) | ROBOKOD | |
2. (Primary School-Middle School Level) | KISA DEVRE | |
3. (Primary-Middle School Level) | Dia Team | |
1. (High School Level) | Dene-Değil-Yap | |
2. (High School Level) | SPEKTRUM Team | |
3. (High School Level) | DK_ZAĞANOS | |
1. (University and Above Level) | TAUV Remastered | |
2. (University and Above Level) | Kristalsizler | |
3. (University and Above Level) | KTÜ UZAY |
Degree | Team Name | |
1. Middle School Level | PROFESÖR | |
2. Middle School Level | Code Riders | |
3. Middle School Level | ŞATO Lig | |
1. High School Level | Klavuz-Egal-Deneyap | |
2. High School Level | LEALTEK | |
3. High School Level | RHM01 | |
1. University and Above Level | KHO ROBOTİCS | |
2. University and Above Level | NAZD | |
3. University and Above Level | İzu Robotics |
Degree | Award |
First | 60.000 ₺ |
Second | 50.000 ₺ |
Third | 40.000 ₺ |
Degree | Award |
First | 70.000 ₺ |
Second | 60.000 ₺ |
Third | 50.000 ₺ |
Degree | Award |
First | 80.000 ₺ |
Second | 70.000 ₺ |
Third | 60.000 ₺ |