About the Competition

Biotechnology is the use of biology to develop new products, methods and organisms aimed at improving humans, animals, agriculture and the environment. For this reason, it is expected that the fundamental part of the original value of the data, products and processes intended to be developed within the scope of Biotechnology Innovation Competition will be created by biological systems.

High school, associate degree, undergraduate, master's and doctoral students studying in Türkiye and abroad can participate in the competition.

The evaluation stages of the competition are as follows:
  • Compliance/ Pre-Assessment Report (PAR)
  • Project Detail Report (PDR)
There are three categories in the competition;
  • High School Category
  • University and Above Idea Category
  • University and Above Project Category
 Templates for the reports that competitors must prepare will be announced on the TEKNOFEST website soon.

Competition Calender 2025

Explanation Date
Contest Application Deadline 20.02.2025
Project Preliminary Evaluation Form Deadline 20.03.2025-17:00
Announcement of the Qualifying Teams According to the Results of the Project Preliminary Evaluation Form 20.05.2025
Project Detail Report Deadline 29.06.2024-17:00
Announcement of Project Detail Report Results and Finalists 30.07.2025
Competition Finals August-September 2025
TEKNOFEST İstanbul September 2025

    Biotechnology Innovation Competition 2020 Degrees

    Degree Team Name
    1. (Idea Level) Graphone
    2. (Idea Level) Cell Culture
    3. (Idea Level) Bombyx Mori
    1. ( Project Category ) Genom Avcıları
    2. ( Project Category ) Robotex Therapy Marmara
    3. ( Project Category ) Physio Tech

    Biotechnology Innovation Competition 2021 Degrees

    Degree Team Name
    1- (Idea Category - High School) SARS-COV-2 BULAŞICILIK TAHMİN TAKIMI
    2- (Idea Category - High School) GSÖB
    3- (Idea Category - High School) GKV BİYOMEDİKAL
    1- (Idea Category - University and Above) HESPEROS
    2- (Idea Category - University and Above) CANCER BİOTECH
    3- (Idea Category - University and Above) BRUGADAI
    1- (Project Category) TEXROBOTS TEAM
    2- (Project Category) ENZİM
    3- (Project Category) PHARMASCAR

    Biotechnology Innovation Competition 2022 Degree

    Degree Team Name
    1- (Idea Category - High School) Origami Biyosensör Takımı
    2- (Idea Category - High School) GKV BİYOPLASTİK
    3- (Idea Category - High School) miR-155
    1- (Idea Category - University and Above) KARINCA
    2- (Idea Category - University and Above) AGD (Analytics of Genetics and Disquisition)
    3- (Idea Category - University and Above) İstanbul Okmeydanı Gençlik Merkezi Biofuture
    1- (Project Category - University and Above) VENA
    2- (Project Category - University and Above) TEPEGÖZ
    3- (Project Category - University and Above) Mom'sPurty

    Biotechnology Innovation Competition 2023 Degrees

    Degree Team Name
    1. (Idea Category - High School) AXOLOTL TEAM
    2. (Fikir Kategorisi - Lise) SÜTÇÜ KARDEŞLER TAKIMI
    3. (Idea Category - High School) SARS-Cov-AR-58
    1. (Idea Category - University Level and Above) Cross-Kingdom
    2. (Idea Category - University and Above Level) BioHydroBattery
    3. (Idea Category - University Level and Above) CHEMOtearPY
    1. (Project Category) PROT-ON
    2. (Project Category) AGRINOVATION
    3. (Project Category) HÜMİKRO

    Biotechnology Innovation Competition 2024 Degrees

    Degree Team Name
    1. (High School Category) lauconexio
    2. (High School Category) Biofilm Quenchers
    3. (High School Category) G.B.M
    1. (Idea Category - University Level and Above) CRISPR-TR
    2. (Idea Category - University and Above Level) SYNBIOCHEM
    3. (Idea Category - University Level and Above) Gendel-DermaTech
    1. (Project Category - University Level and Above) YTG-BIOGASINNOVATORS
    2. (Project Category - University Level and Above) BioBubble
    3. (Proje Category - University Level and Above) BioCellScience
    1. (Rare Diseases - Genetic Treatment Category) FUSion
    2. (Rare Diseases - Genetic Treatment Category) GENE'S TALK
    3. (Rare Diseases - Genetic Treatment Category) NeuroSpectra

Biotechnology Innovation Competition High School Category 2025 Awards

Degree Award
First 70.000 ₺
Second 60.000 ₺
Third 50.000 ₺

Biotechnology Innovation Competition University and Above Idea Category 2025 Awards

Degree Award
First 100.000 ₺
Second 80.000 ₺
Third 60.000 ₺

Biotechnology Innovation Competition University and Above Project Category 2025 Awards

Degree Award
First 150.000 ₺
Second 120.000 ₺
Third 100.000 ₺

Biotechnology Innovation Competition

Excluding the informations provided in the specifications, you need to join the e-mail group through the link below for other questions regarding to the competition. The questions you ask and the answers you receive will be visible to the other members of the e-mail group.


By organizing technical tours, it is provided to on-site inspection of working on leading technological firms of Turkey.

TEKNOFEST, which hosts hundreds of companies on technical trips, provides the opportunity to get to know experts in every field.

On technical trips, the opportunity to meet expert engineers about business and professional life is provided.

On technical trips, people who have worked in technology companies have the opportunity to listen to their experiences and increase motivation.


In order to support the projects of thousands of young people, material support is provided to the teams that pass the stages determined for the competitions.

Finalist teams are provided with transportation/accommodation support for TEKNOFEST competitions.

Prizes await the teams that compete in TEKNOFEST and qualify for the ranking.


Training programs will be organized for the finalist teams with the participation of the executive institution and advisory board members.

Teams with the participation of the executive and advisory board members Meetings where projects, evaluation criteria and processes can direct questions to the advisory board will be planned.


Internship opportunities in Turkey's technology institutions will be provided.

Turkey under the Technology Team, conducted by the Foundation for the National Team Program Support Technology Teams are provided with incentives through orientation and support programs for international competitions.