Applications for evaluators to take part in the Technology Competitions evaluation processes of TEKNOFEST 2025, whose new address is Istanbul, have started!
Within the scope of TEKNOFEST, which aims to raise awareness about technology and science throughout the society and to increase Turkey's human resources trained in science and engineering, technology competitions are organized in 46 different categories in different fields from Artificial Intelligence to Autonomous Systems and Space Technologies in order to support young people to work on the technologies of the future. The evaluation of the teams applying in the organized competitions is made through reports. In this context, candidates who want to be a Volunteer Evaluator in the evaluation stages of the competition reports are expected to successfully pass the application processes determined by the TEKNOFEST Competitions Committee.
TEKNOFEST Volunteer Evaluator Specification
1. Application Phase
2. Preliminary Evaluation Phase
3. Sample Report Evaluation Phase
4. Online Interview Phase
1. Smart Transportation Competition
2. Education Technologies Competition
3. Environment and Energy Technologies Competition
4. Technology for Humanity Competition (Disaster Management / Health and First Aid / Social Innovation)
5. Barrier-Free Life Technologies
6. Agriculture Technologies
Candidates with at least a bachelor's degree who are academicians or have academic experience in Higher Education Institutions (Lecturer, Lecturer, Instructor, Reader, Specialist, Research Assistant, Associate Professor, Professor, etc.), who have worked as a teacher or trainer in institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education, who have worked as a trainer in institutions such as DENEYAP, Science Center or BİLSEM, who work as an Engineer in the Company and Private sector are expected to apply.